• Create Dynamic Navigation Menu using Javascript

    Today, i’ve learn how to Create Dynamic Navigation Menu using Javascript. In this post, i will focus on client side implementation therefore i use json for data format. My main idea is: i will save the menu data on database and when the user do log in, i will retrieve the menu data (based on…

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  • Hide and Show HTML Element based on Select Option Using JQuery

    Today, i want to share about Hide and Show HTML Element based on Select Option Using JQuery for some purpose, we want to show or hide an HTML element (eg: button, input text, etc) based on select option. we can achieve that requirement using JQury framework you can get here. We will use hide(), show(),…

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  • Tutorial Customize JPos NACChannel with Tail

    Today i want to share Tutorial Customize JPos NACChannel with Tail Jpos Library comes with several channel implementation. Most channel implementation extend BaseChannel class and just override the sendMessageLength and getMessageLenght methods. every channel implementation have different message format, for example NACCHannel using LL LL [TPDU] ISO-Data message format, where: LL LL represent the TPDU…

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  • JPos Server Forward Request Message to Another Server

    Today i want to share about JPos Server Forward Request Message to Another Server. The Jpos server get request message from a client and then forward the message to another server for some purpose. Picture below show us the illustration: we will focuse on how Server A forward the message to the server B, and…

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  • Create Custom jPOS ISO8583 Packager

    JPos Client Receive Request From Remote Server

    Today, i want to share how JPos client handle request message from remote server. i just learn JPos ISO 8583 framework, and looking for information about it. you can find information about jpos framework on their official site here. in this post, i want to share what i have learned about JPos Client Receive Request…

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