Hi, Today i want to share my code about jPOS Server Forward Message Simulator. The simulator flow is described on my old post here: JPos Server Forward Request Message to Another Server. My old post is talk about the “front end” server that receive request from client and forward to “back end” server, so in…
Today, i have implement new Custom jPOS Channel binary bitmap Active Bit Indicator for communicate between some bank with goverment tax system. there are strange ISO 8583 message structure like this [ISO HEADER] [BODY], there are no message length indicator, and tail. The strange occure in the body message, they are not using hexa format…
Today i want to share about Hibernate Mapping Entity with multiple primary key. For some reason we need to add multiple key in our database table, for example: you have table S_PARAMETER that will save all updatable parameter in your system and for some reason(easy read, clean code) you nedd param_group, and param_id field to…
Today, i want to share about the different between TransactionParticipant and AbortParticipant interface on jPOS iso 8583 framework. you need to implement one of these interface when you are using Transaction Manager on your jPOS project. you can find my post about how to implement Transaction Manager here. back to the main topic in this…
Today i want to share about Implementation JPos Transaction Manager. In this post, i will implement the integration with ISORequestListener, Transaction Manager Group Selector, Transaction Participant, and Abort Participant. From JPos Programmer guide book, the explanation of TransactionManager is: The TransactionManager implementation takes care of ‘driving’ the transaction by calling all of the participants’ prepare…
Today, i want to share about jPOS Client Receive Response to Specific Port. In my current project integration between SOA and DSP, the basic requirment is, DSP will send request message(not define the request port) to SOA (as Server, SOA listen to spesific port) and DSP will receive the SOA response to the specific port(may…